Monday, July 4, 2011

Long Time Coming

Time for an update! Due to tremendous amounts of school work and my BS degree growing ever nearer I have had little time for postcards. Now on summer break with one year of school left I am going to squeeze in as many as I can!

The photo is my fantastically loud, wonderfully awesome, and sadly poor functioning electric typewriter. Sitting next to it is the not mine iPad that I use to check spelling and get addresses.

Some info about the postcards I send: postcards DO NOT fit in a typewriter and I have truly terrible handwriting. No seriously should have been a doctor. So I type my message on banana fiber paper and tape them to the postcard. This is good for another reason. Some of these cards as you can see get mailed a very long way. The tape prevents the message from being damaged or rubbed off, especially on glossy postcards. I've been doing postcard/penpal stuff for awhile now and this seems to be the best method.

Many Happy PostCrossing! And Happy July 4th!

Need A Bigger Variety

Yan from China requested maps, flags, royalty, cartoons, famous scenery, and library postcards. I have none, none, and none. I have tons of famous buildings, but scenery not so much. I finally chose the Dunes. They may not be very famous but they hold a special place in my heart and childhood. My dad built Dune Buggies.

Many Happy PostCrossings!

First One

My first card to Switzerland! Marchenfee requested cats, fairy tales, or illustrations. As I browsed my many postcards, I fell short for the second time. Already out of animals, I have never had fairy tale cards. This is the closest I could get to an 'illustrations' card. Hope they like it.

Many Happy Post Crossings!


Marieke said that she likes to watch cycling and likes landscapes postcards. This one I nailed. A photo of Eagle Creek, landscape, where my husband and I sometimes go to ride.

Many Happy PostCrossing!


Klaus from Germany asked for animals, this would just be the first time I felt unprepared today. After searching through literal stacks and books of postcards this was the ONLY animal that I had. The Indiana state bird, this is male cardinal. My stock is now animal-less. I will add it to the shopping list.

Many Happy PostCrossings!

You Asked For It, You Got It

Dmitry from Russia asked for horror, weird, vintage, or funny. I thought I did pretty good. Baby doing pull-ups is both vintage, weird, and funny. Hope it brings a smile to his face.

Many Happy PostCrossings!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Caught up!

All received postcards are finally posted and I hope to have the time to start sending more again soon.

Also time permitting I will be sharing postcard from my childhood, the ones that made me fall in love with the little rectangles of paper.

Above is a postcard I received from my grandpa while he was traveling in Ireland, I have no idea when I received this. Also below is a picture of the amazing man himself, everyone called him Boss, but I just called him grandpa.

And yes the little person in his arms is me and yes I am eating pork rinds.